Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Update for my readers; May 18, 2011

I have just finished digging up pieces of writing I have done over the last couple of years and then forgotten about. Many are from my newspaper column "Just Cause" where I write on social justice issues of the day. I have decided that if I had a nickel for every person who had said "you should make your living by writing", I wouldn't need to be writing for nickels. But the truth is I don't have to write, I must write. It is something ingrained in me. By grade 4 I wanted to be a journalist, by Grade 5 I was running the school paper much to the chagrin of the Grade 7's who just couldn't put an editorial together. I still have copies of those papers from 40 years ago, produced on the school secretaries mimeograph machine! But back then we only had black and white tv too. Girls had to wear skirts, boys trousers and teachers shirts, ties or dresses. Our desks were lined up, not put in groups, and we called our teachers by their last name, Mr. and Mrs. not the current "Hey Fred" yelled after the math teacher dressed in gym wear by a student chewing gum and wearing a t-shirt with a rude caption on it. Have we come a long way or what? Maybe I will write about the good ol' days soon and talk about "progress" and what we have really progressed to. I will certainly start writing about my personal life as that, I believe will be my bread and butter when I finally put my book together. I think it might be worth 20 million nickels one day.

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