Wednesday, May 18, 2011

I need a drink...maybe stronger than water.

Someone wrote to our local paper complaining of experiencing a rise in blood pressure while out for a walk in our beautiful community after witnessing the dog/people water fountain. Given it was only a $500.00 add on to one of the few things we have going for us right now, I find the idea very refreshing. It is not only Fido who will be happy but his owners also. There are amazing health benefits that dog ownership can bring. Dog owners have lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels, they live longer, they recover from serious illness better, and they are happier in general. Dogs in the workplace lower stress and lift morale. it seems that humans get just as much or more from their canine companions as they give in the first place. The least they deserve is a nice drink of water now and then. I suppose if J. Barnes and fellow self described old fashioned skinflints walk by the dog park on Penfield (and find out 2 more off-leash parks are promised within the next five years) someone better call 911 to resuscitate them!

I, on the other hand, think a pet friendly community is a great place to live, and in our current situation here, if we are going to re-create ourselves let’s make it pro-pet while doing so. The only lingering issue I have with my blood pressure is thinking about the $133,000 city website, the $88,000.00 increase to Rivercorp (while councilors say they no longer trust the organization), the $45,000.00 forestry task force, $11,000.00 for new computers, the $26,000.00 to maintain a cruise ship terminal that is not in use, the airport extension after it has lost money for the last five years, the $77,000.00 for an additional janitor at the Sportsplex, the millions of dollars spent on two kilometers of highway turning it into a boardwalk with no room for emergency vehicles, and the 34 managers we are paying for at City Hall to wag the dog.
I think I am the one who needs a drink.

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