Thursday, April 2, 2009

NDP ignoring the facts - 2007.

Stan Hagen has once again broken into his theme song and dance regarding the social and economic situation of many people in his constituency and most others. He accuses the NDP of spreading negative, destructive rhetoric that is "light on truth". What the NDP is doing, is speaking to the chorus of complaints heard in unison from those affected by the poverty his government has created.

Mr. Hagen, as usual, is out of tune.

When he chants about job creation, and low unemployment rates, he fails to address the working poverty caused by minimum wages, low wages, part time hours, and temporary employment. While thousands more people have jobs now than under the NDP, how many of those people have hidden disabilities like head injuries, fetal alcohol, and mental illnesses that make their employment precarious at best. How does Mr. Hagen define "gainful employment" when many people contributing to these numbers he is serenading us with, are not gaining anything from it? Childcare challenges, high rents and few vacancies, inadequate low cost housing to meet the affordablity for those working for eight dollars an hour, even the Rental Assistance Program he touts as having a real impact in this community, doesn't. The gatekeeping tone of the eligibility criteria leaves out those who are most in need and most vulnerable.The investments in health care do not help the poor people living in rural areas or semi rural areas who need to actually get to a medical facility for diagnostic purposes, or treatment.

I am afraid you are singing solo on this one Mr Hagen, and your refrain that there are landmark successes in job creation and social support is not in harmony with our experiences on the front line. It would be very helpful if you faced the music instead of ignoring, dismissing, and insulting the choir.

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